“The two most important days in our life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” Mark Twain
On my 33rd birthday, I went to the mountain behind my place with the intention to accomplish a 21 day meditation retreat on my own. My objective was only to learn how to meditate so I could attain peace of mind at will – something I had never done before. In the end, not only did I reach my initial intention, but I also discovered a new powerful emotion, which allowed me to discover my True-Self and my real life purpose – (this book is part of that purpose).
I am so grateful for this discovery, that I am now convinced that finding what is under the superficial identity we’ve been socially imposed to perform (ego), by trying to clean up the mess that’s in our mind, is what can help anyone to stop suffering internally and become more at peace within ourselves – which I believe is the only way to make this planet a better world.
The Biography of a Nobody is a tale about my personal life that is interwoven with all kinds of unrelated events that only started to make sense when I finally reached my inner balance with the awaking of my own spirituality. While The Bible Revolution is my personal attempt to map the different aspects of our Inner-Being, which our ignorance is in my opinion the main factor of all the economic consequences we can witness at the global scale due to our spiritual imbalance.
It is an ambitious and highly pretentious statement, but this book has truly been written with the intention to help people free themselves from the disillusion of our ego-reality, in order to gradually evolve toward our next paradigm.
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